Winter weather conditions may affect in-person office hours. The Career Center is always available virtually on our website and via
Click ‘Create an Event’ on your homepage or go to ‘Events’ on the left-hand navigation bar and click ‘Request Event’ on the top right-hand corner. Complete the following sections to request your event.
Event Name: Type your event name using the following format: Your Organization Name -Information Table (campus name, i.e. California, Clarion or Edinboro).
Event Categories: Select Hiring and recruiting and/or About your company
Start & End Date & Time: Please select the date and time that best fits your schedule. On Campus Recruiting begins approximately the third week of the semester and runs through two weeks prior to the end of the semester. The following days of the week are best for on-campus information tables. Student traffic is typically highest between 11am-1pm.
PennWest California – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
PennWest Clarion – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
PennWest Edinboro – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Contact: Your name
Where is your event being held: On-campus
Which school is hosting: Type PennWest University
Which career center is hosting: Select campus (California, Clarion or Edinboro) Please note: You will need to request a separate event for each campus location you would like to visit.
Write an effective description: Within this section, please be sure to minimally include the position(s) for which you are recruiting, eligible majors, eligible class standing, and if the position is full-time, part-time, or an internship. In addition to this information, you may choose to add a short job description and additional qualifications, a brief description of your company, or any additional information that you believe is relevant to students interested in visiting your information table.
Update event thumbnail: Upload your organization logo or other event image that will be visible to students. If an image is not uploaded, PennWest’s logo will be visible.
Survey: Please read through and answer all questions on the survey portion of the event
Click ‘Request Event’. From here, you will be taken to the Overview page, where you will see the status as Pending in the top right-hand corner. This will remain ‘pending’ until the PennWest campus specific Career Center has approved the event. You will also see a summary of information you provided, including your survey responses. If you need to change any of those details, please click Edit in the top right-hand corner.
After ensuring that your requested date and time is available, you will receive a Handshake notification that your event has been approved and a confirmation email from a staff member with important information regarding your visit, including parking instructions.
By Christina Moreschi
Christina MoreschiDirector of Career Events and Outreach