Handshake is an online career management system where students can find and apply to jobs, internships, on-campus jobs, graduate assistantships, and register for and attend recruiting events and career fairs. Handshake is used by over 1400 colleges and universities and boasts over 900K employers!
3 Steps to Get Started Using Handshake
Login to your Account*

Update Your Profile
Note: A complete profile includes at least one work experience, organization, and skill.
Use Handshake to
- Apply to on-campus jobs or graduate assistantships across PennWest campuses
- Search and apply for jobs and internships locally and across the US
- Apply for academic credit for internships
- Schedule appointments to meet with professional and student staff in the PennWest Career Center
*Once new students have a class schedule, they can access Handshake. Alumni can read more about how to access Handshake.