Our team is dedicated to partnering with our campus communities to help steward our students in their entire learning and growth process. A list of our resources is included below, but all staff and faculty are welcome to contact us any time to discuss ways we can work together to help students.
Students who need to make a great first impression at a job interview, internship opportunity, student-teaching assignment and more can go wardrobe shopping on campus. Be confident in your look and find the appropriate wear for your career field at …
By Christina Moreschi
Christina MoreschiDirector of Career Events and Outreach
Each year, NACE surveys students to identify trends, attitudes, and behaviors, and to examine how those behaviors correlate to outcomes. Internships and their role in career preparation and outcomes has been and continues to be a key area of inquiry.
By Christina Moreschi
Christina MoreschiDirector of Career Events and Outreach