Winter weather conditions may affect in-person office hours. The Career Center is always available virtually on our website and via 

Write your resume and cover letters

Use our resources and samples to help start or improve your documents. Schedule an appointment in Handshake for assistance.

Get leadership experience

Consider a leadership role in a student club, job, or volunteer position as a great way to explore interests and enhance your skills.

Review Your Handshake profile

To help prepare for your career, update your profile and upload your resume. View jobs, internships, and events.

Learn the process for experiential learning

Speak with your faculty advisor to understand if an internship or other experience (student teaching, clinical, etc.) is required, when it’ll occur, and how to prepare.

Search for jobs or internships

Meet with your Career Coach to learn the best ways to search for part time or on-campus jobs or internships, including using Handshake.

Participate in career events

In-person and virtual employer information sessions, fairs, and other networking events are viewable under the Events on Handshake.

Create a professional digital presence

Employers look for a digital presence, including reviewing social media accounts. Consider making a LinkedIn profile or portfolio to create a professional digital image.

Practice your interview skills

Learn in-person and virtual interview strategies and practice with your Career Coach, or use our software with AI feedback to prepare for your interview.

Consider if graduate school is right for you

Discuss with your Career Coach and/or faculty advisor if graduate school is right for you based on your career goals.

Get professional attire

Do you know the different types of professional attire? Ask your Career Coach and visit the Career Center to learn about ways to get professional clothing.

Obtain references or recommendations

Some employers and graduate programs require references or letters of recommendations from people who can speak on your skills, experiences, and personality.

Work with your Career Coach

Meet regularly with your Career Coach to learn how to best prepare for your career goals.

Are you ready for what’s next?

Contact & Location


California: 138 Natali Student Center

Clarion: 419 Becht Hall

Edinboro: 241 Baron-Forness Library

California, Clarion, Edinboro, PA

Career Center Hours

Monday 8:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am-4:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am-4:00pm
Thursday 8:00am-4:00pm
Friday 8:00am-4:00pm