So, what does the Registrar’s Office Do?

The Office of the Registrar is the “Keeper of the Academic Record.” We ensure integrity and accuracy with a students’ academic history. We facilitate registration, make updates to academic records, evaluate transfer credit, and provide services, such as transcripts and enrollment verifications. We provide reports across campuses to assist decision making and departmental course planning, enrollment information to student loan lenders for deferrals, and confirm VA benefits and NCAA eligibility. We audit academic records, clear students for graduation and calculate Latin honors and Dean’s List. We are academic policy guardians; we’re tasked with upholding academic policy and applying it consistently. We work with students from orientation, all the way through graduation day and as alumni! We truly work with students every step of the way.

General questions regarding any aspect of a students’ academic record should be directed to

Our campus offices are open Monday through Friday, 9am – 4pm.

California Campus Office location: Dixon Hall 122 Phone Number: 724/938-4340

Clarion Campus Office location: 148 Becht Hall Phone Number: 814/393-2229

Edinboro Campus Office location: Hamilton Hall Phone Number: 814/732-3501

By Christina Moreschi
Christina Moreschi Director of Career Events and Outreach